A Clockwork Orange (known as Clockwork Orange or Clockwork Orange) is a British science fiction film satire, 1971, produced, written and directed by Stanley Kubrick. It is a film adaptation of the novel 1962, written by Anthony Burgess. The film, which was filmed in England, shows the character Alex DeLarge (Malcolm McDowell), a criminal psychopath and charismatic, whose pleasures are classical music (especially Beethoven), rape and "ultra-violence." He leads a gang of thugs (Pete, George and Dim), which called droogs (the Russian word друг, "friend," "colleague"), with committing a series of violent crimes. He is captured and he attempts to rehabilitate through a technique of behavioral psychology. Alex narrates most of the film in nadsat, a fictional teenage slang that combines Slavic (especially Russian), English and cockney rhyming slang. In Spain and Latin America, some terms were adapted to the language.
The film is characterized by violent content that facilitate social commentary on psychiatry, youth gangs, behavioral theories in psychology and other topics located in a dystopian futuristic society. Its soundtrack is composed mostly of passages of classical music, some of them reinterpreted and sometimes, as in the case of debt securities, adapted by the composer Wendy Carlos used the Moog synthesizer
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